Inauguration of the FOSTEr in MED BIPB power plant at IRI

Under the patronage of

 HE the Minister of Industry, Dr Hussein haj Hassan

HE the Minister of Energy and Water, Mr Arthur Nazarian ,

The Centre for Innovation and Technology ( CIT) at the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) in Lebanon will celebrate the launch of the new Building Integrated Photovoltaic Pilot Plant implemented at the Industrial Research Institute building on June 7, at the Lebanese University Campus in Beirut where the Industrial Research Institute offices and labs are located.

This new structure is the pilot project of the EU funded project FOSTEr in MED, whose aim is to promote the innovative use of solar technologies in the Mediterranean mainly building integrated photovoltaic.

“We have been working in close collaboration with the management office of the project in Cagliari during all the phases of the project, and our local team has done a tremendous job in implementing and exploiting the benefits of this new technology”, said Mr Naji Abi Zeid, the project manager of FOSTEr in MED in Lebanon.

“The event marks the end of the implementation phase of the project and the beginning of the monitoring phase of this new technology.”, says Dr. Talal Salam from the Technical and Scientific Committee of the project. “Now that the construction is done and the structure is up and running, the long-term benefits are yet to be revealed.”

Dr Elias Kinnab, also from the Technical and Scientific Committee and Info Point Administrator of the Project said that the team will remain at the disposal of companies or individuals who would like to follow the results obtained and know more about the use and benefits of the Building Integrated Photovoltaic systems in Lebanon, where the sun is a “well of gold” almost 300 days a year.


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This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
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